Welcome To
Women Republicans of Central Kentucky
Upcoming Events
Table Topic Discussion
Come ready to participate in a table topic discussion about local TAX issues
- 12pm to 1pm
- Sedona Taphouse
What is WROCK?
Women Republicans of Central Kentucky (WROCK) is dedicated to involving more central Kentucky Republican women in the political process by educating them about issues, serving as advocates for Republican candidates and recruiting and cultivating candidates. The group is open to all Republican women in central Kentucky and has gained more than 150 members since it began in January 2004.
WROCK currently has over 50 members and and continues with unprecedented growth. To become a member of this dynamic organization, simply return the membership application provided along with your personal check payable to WROCK. Mail to Director of Membership, P. O. BOx 24394, Lexington, KY 40524-4394.
Membership is open to central Kentucky women of all ages. Associate membership is available to men, members of other Republican women’s groups and members of affiliated groups such as Young Republicans and College Republicans.

The History of WROCK
WROCK met for the first official organizational meeting in November 2003 with fourteen women at the Lexington Country Club and the name WROCK (Women Republicans of Central Kentucky) was adopted.
This new Republican Women’s organization chartered with the National and State Federations of Republican Women four months later with 75 charter members.
WROCK members communicate almost exclusively by email with a monthly electronic newsletter and periodic legislative advocacy alerts (CAP Alerts).
The website address for WROCK is WROCK.us
WROCK encourages all members to become involved in a variety of ways to promote Republican candidates and Republican principles. WROCK also reaches into the community through current initiatives with Habitat for Humanity, Memory Walk, Race for the Cure, Winburn Middle School and U.S. Troops & Military Organizations.

NFRW Affiliation
WROCK is an affiliate of the National Federation of Republican Women, a grassroots organization with more than 100,000 members from the 50 states, the Virgin Islands, Guam, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.
The NFRW advocates crucial issues to positively impact our nation, strengthen our Republican Party through recruiting and training candidates, and empower women of all ages, ethnicities and backgrounds in the political process.
NFRW believes its strength comes from diversity of opinion, experience and culture.

Campaign Committee
Works to elect conservative Republican Candidates.
Please RSVP to campaigns@wrock.us
Programs & Education
Works to provide knowledge of the political process through information and dynamic programming meant to empower, inspire, and energize women in the conservative movement
Please RSVP to programs@wrock.us
Public Relations
Promotes WROCK in the media and helps with social media content
Please RSVP to publicrelations@wrock.us
Government Affairs
Works to educate and mobilize our members to take back our country
Membership Committee
Works to increase WROCK membership by uniting the spirit of our current membership so that we can reach out to others to enhance diversity of the women's republican group
Development Committee
Raises funds for WROCK operations, the promotion and furthering the conservative platform
Audit Committee
Reviews and audits WROCK's books for each year and ensures Quickbooks statements are accurate. Must have experience in auditing.
Finance Committee
Develops and presents a proposed budget to the Board
Awards Committee
Helps create policies for awards and helps with award ceremonies with choosing awards, voting on recipients of awards, writing award descriptions and giving award criteria.
Starz Committee
Helps plan the annual Starz event
Become a Member of WROCK
Join us and help WROCK spread the conservative voice in Frankfort! Your help is needed!
Click the button below and you will be sent to our secure checkout page.